Saturday, February 27, 2010

Life is too short

Im not realy sure about what to expect....Ok, so 2 people berak up. No it wasnt to the best break up nor was it the worst. Yes, there were some differences but when is there not. People should move on with their lives correct? I think so. My question today is, why do people have to be so immature. Im not really sure what they want to get across. When somene tells you that they are happy for you and wishes you nothing but the best, why react and come back so negative? Why lash out and do stupid things that are not nessecary? You live and you learn as you grow up. People love and forget. It happens. People move on. It happens. Everything happens for a reason yes, people make poorly dechions that they cant take but and know its wrong, but pin it on someone else. Im not too sure what to think about any of this. All I really have to say is, I wish you both nothing but the best, I hope many happy years come with you guys and that nothing bad happens. You both deserve happiness with laughter and smiles. If I could be there for either one I would be, but that would never happen. I guess my point is grow up. Look at the bigger picture. Life is way too short to be looking and worrying about the small things. Look past the little issue and move on to what holds your life together. Never forget the people who are meant to be in your life for a reason. Always be a helping hand even when its not deserved. And most important, do what you believe deep in your heart to be true.


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Roller Coaster

Roller coasters are supposed to be fun. You first get anxious just waiting to ride. You then get butterflies in your stomach as you are going down that big hill into the turns, loops, ups, and downs. You laugh uncontrollably; your picture gets taking while making silly faces.

Sounds a lot like a relationship to me. First when you meet someone, you get anxious waiting just to see if they will call or text you. Then when you finally take that leap you go on the first date and you get little butterflies in your stomach. Hoping you don’t say something stupid or do anything that will make you look like a fool. After all the dates, you start down that big hill with the turns and loops, ups and downs. There are times that you laugh uncontrollably, cry, make up and of course you take silly picture with your significant other. Now how come they just don’t seem a fun or great as a roller coaster?

There are so many of us out there who want nothing more than to give all we have to give. They want that fairy tail ending. To be happy and make someone else happy. How come this seems so hard? Is it you yourself making it hard or is it simply something else? How long does one have to suffer before finding the one? And how do you know the one your with is the one? These are all questions I often as myself and other ask them self as well.

The best things in life come by surprise. We all live an learn from our mistakes. But no matter how long ago that mistake was, it still comes back to haunt us. Weather it be you cheated on someone, lied, hit, neglected, or simply couldn’t say I love you. We all live and learn and think on a day to day base how we could of done things differently.

One things to always remember, you are not the only one out there. We all want to simply be with that someone who is happy to see you, wants to be around you, takes silly photos, and someone who is willing to go through the turns, loops, ups and downs......