Sunday, April 4, 2010

My thoughts for the day... Cant blame a girl for dreaming right? Why is it that every time you seem to find someone that is perfect it turns around to bite you in the butt? Or is that one just think way too much into things, which makes it more difficult. I believe I have fallen victim of this and wish I hadn't, nut can ya blame me? I have been screwed over so much and I'm so scared that it's going to happen again. My biggest flaw is I fall to fast and let people in way to early. I care too much to fast. I have a big heart and I just want someone to share it with. Yes, I'm only 22. No, I don't need a kid right now, but is it bad for me to dream of these things? To dream one day I will be happy, to dream one day someone will love me, to dream of a family, get married, and have kids? Is it so bad for me to want these things? Why is it so hard to find someone and keep them? Why is there always someone else or something else? So once again, I'll go out head strong heart on my sleve, and in hopes one day I'll find my knight in shining armor.